About This Blog

This place in cyber space was born out of a desire to share our homeschool journey with those still a little nervous to take the plunge and with those needing a little encouragement to let go and immerse themselves in the act of joyful, unadulterated learning without external interference. We didn't always get it right. There were times that fear and panic gripped me and I coerced learning. But when we did get it right, when I trusted my children and let go, those were some of the most rewarding moments of our journey.

It is also a place meant to draw together all my writing, strewn all over the web over the last decade and a bit. Not all of it is about delight-directed or discovery learning. A lot is about the practicalities of homeschooling in South Africa and includes a lot of "How to..." articles. I hope however that it will be of benefit to some.

And finally, it's a place where I'd like to share bits and pieces about my own learning. Learning as I observe the children in my class at school, read, research and (maybe even) study. A place to share nuggets of truth that resonate with me.

So, this is not a place just dedicated to homeschooling, though a lot will be written about it, as homeschooling definitely presents a wonderful opportunity to create a place of freedom for natural learning to happen. It is a place meant for a wider audience, for anyone interested in exploring what learning really looks like and means in real life and how we learn best.

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