Friday, 15 November 2013
When we become the Curriculum
He messaged me. I could tell he was subtly angry, concerned. My first reaction was defensive.
As I read, I recognized a fierce protectiveness. It reminded me of the feelings that had been stirred in me during a conversation I had had with my dad the night before. It reminded me of the capacity of a parent's heart to protect.
"If she is misbehaving" he wrote, "it is probably because you are rejecting her, excluding her from the pack" and a little further "It matters to her if her pack is disappointed in her". I marvelled at his insight; his wisdom. Then I smiled inwardly, I recognized me. I recognized the way he analysed the situation, the way he tried to get into her head, the way he took her side, the way he seeked the good in the bad, the way he protected her, loved her regardless, that brindle ball of energy he chose for his twelfth birthday but now had to leave behind. "She's more like a person" he once confided and it reminded me of the words that had been playing through my mind all week: "a person is a person no matter how small - respect the child".
He was imitating me and to be honest, it made me a little more than proud. A little bit of me had rubbed off, had replicated itself and I couldn't stop smiling. For years I have been saying that I'm raising them, training them, for life, not an exam. Raising them to be someone's husband, dad, employer. And here for the first time I caught a glimpse of what I had achieved. I wondered, I delighted, in the potential parent that had fleetingly revealed himself in this tender eighteen year old heart.
"I love your heart MY boy," I messaged back, "don't worry she's okay, I'm looking out for her".
Thursday, 9 May 2013
25 Things to teach and live
2. SET BOUNDARIES but give them freedom within.
3. Teach them that all choices have CONSEQUENCES.
4. Teach them to RESPECT OTHERS by respecting them as unique individuals.
5. SPEAK POSITIVELY & highlight their strengths.
6. INVOLVE THEM in your everyday life and never stop talking & explaining as you go about it!
7. Give them CHORES, it develops responsibility & a sense of worth as a team player.
8. LIMIT “screen time” (TV’s, PC’s & iPads).
9. READ ALOUD to them from birth & don’t ever stop (even once they are reading by themselves)!
10. Introduce them to the great classics & develop a LOVE FOR GOOD BOOKS.
11. Make outings to Book Shops a festive family affair!
12. Give them lots of FREE TIME to play (cut back on extra murals)!!!
13. Encourage IMAGINATIVE GAMES by providing “dress-up” stuff.
14. Encourage CONSTRUCTION GAMES by providing them with their own tools, nails, wood, rope and wheels (from second hand shops!)
15. Take time to PLAY WITH THEM. Introduce lots of puzzles and board games to build basic maths skills & family-togetherness.
16. BAKE & COOK TOGETHER, it helps with fine motor development, maths skills and an appreciation for good food.
17. Go on DISCOVERY EXPEDITIONS (nature walks) together. Bring home your finds and research them!
18. Make the most of your HOLIDAYS – they can be wonderful educational fieldtrips!
19. Seize the TEACHABLE MOMENTS! Live life deliberately instead of just letting it happen!
20. ENCOURAGE CURIOSITY and a questioning mind. Never squelch it with a silly answer.
21. Give them a SAFE PLACE to experiment & learn from their mistakes. Encourage them to take risks!
22. Really LISTEN to them and help them follow their interests & develop their passions.
23. Help them develop A SENSE OF PURPOSE, it leads to inward driven learners.
24. Support & encourage their ENTREPRENEURAL ideas.
25. EAT TOGETHER and share your days' highs & lows.
LIVE and be present in every moment!
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
Friday, 3 May 2013
An Open Letter on Raising Boys
Hi (Your Name?)
Interesting ideas some people have <LOL>! But good for you for listening and giving it some thought…
"Now, about Boys. We had a chat with other parents who HS and their eldest is a boy. They don't think it would be good for him to be HS past, say, 12/13 years since boys will need to be more competative when they go into the world as men."Mmmm, I don’t know about being “competitive” but I suppose what they are saying is “Men need to have a backbone when they go into the world as men”. I can agree with that. That would be one of your long term goals that in our family is slapped under “We are raising somebody’s husband, father and employer/employee and for that he needs among others…some backbone!”
Firstly, I don’t agree that school is a healthy place to grow back-bone (and definitely not during the very vulnerable teen years). Teens are trying to come to terms with all the changes that are taking place in their bodies (some of it they like; some of it they don’t) – they need to hear that they are “okay” unfortunately this is not the message sent to the vast majority by their peers. And teens are trying to find meaning & direction - their purpose. I love my teens; I love their individuality and I purposely reinforce it. “You want long hair? Great! How about a “bob”? You want to wear your purity ring on your thumb? Cool, we’ll buy a bigger one! Purple skinny jeans? Okay, what about these purple laces too?” “You don’t want to shave? Okay, that mustache is actually kinda sexy!” I think it’s important for them not to feel weird or different in a negative way, it must be a “weird” that they feel confident & cool about as this also grows backbone (confidence).
Secondly, only ONE of my three boys is “competitive” (in a good sense) and I believe it has bit to do with his Concrete Sequential/Concrete Random learning style and Bodily/Kinaesthetic Intelligence. Competition doesn’t motivate all people nor does it grow backbone in all. A quiet, compliant boy can have backbone too. He can gently but firmly stand his ground if he has been taught how to (my father-in-law has a saying: “There is nothing as strong as gentleness”).
Thirdly, there is very little POSITIVE peer pressure among same-aged-school-going teen peers in public school as they are all immature and seeking. Generally, exposing a young homeschooled teen to this is a sure fire way to stunt backbone growth and encourage negative “herd mentality” (depending on the child obviously). This particular little boy does not sound like the compliant round peg, he’ll probably be in trouble on a daily basis building a group of friends with similar “risk taking tendencies”! The “risks” will probably grow as he does…
So how could homeschoolers grow backbone practically?
Boys need an involved father and other godly men to come along side them and mentor them. They need men that they can look up to and imitate. They need to be seen as grown-ups-in-training (get them to work with their mentors). John Eldredge in “Wild At Heart” says: “You’re only a man when another man has said that you’re a man” – they need that affirmation. They need to be given freedom & choices (with the relevant consequences). They need to be heard. They need their questions answered – we often discuss “life” as opportunities present themselves. If they know who they are, what they believe and why they believe it - they will have backbone.
You continue:
"And since their son is quite strong-willed and competitive with Mom (he's 4) they think it would not be a good match for him to spend most of the time with Mom when he's in his teens. So they plan to send him to a boy's school or something like that when he gets older."This mom needs to get a handle on this little man now. She needs to get an understanding of the strong willed child and how you can get them to be compliant by giving them choices and making them ”feel” in control.
“You can’t make me (but I can be persuaded)” by Cynthia Ulrich Tobias is a good read!
"When I mentioned this to a Mom who is researching HS as an option for their daughter, her response was, 'but girls will also need to go out and compete in the working world, so shouldn't they also be exposed to peer-pressure?' etc."Peer-pressure is not the way to go about building character, habits & skills that any person needs to function as an effective, happy person. Defining the truths, habits & character traits that you want to develop is the first step. The next is to use everyday situations & real life to start building them or making them real & relevant! In other words “purposeful parenting” – parenting with a goal in mind.
We didn’t encourage our toddlers to “smack the naughty table” if they bumped into it and fell – we didn’t want to teach “passing-the-blame” but that we are responsible for our actions & the consequences (if we aren’t careful & bump into the table then the consequence is that we fall – no one is to blame but ourselves)
We taught respect for the meaning of the word “no”. We didn’t just say no as a reflex reaction to every request. We would carefully consider when to say no and then stick to it (nagging didn’t change our mind) and we made sure that it was obeyed. We however also respected a little one’s “no” if we gave them the option to do something or not. We didn’t nag and change the child’s mind either (like sharing a toy). The reason: In many date-rape cases it’s reported that the guy says that she did say “no” but he was sure she actually meant “yes”. In our home no is no, not maybe.
We taught our boys that girls are to be protected & helped. At Sunday School the boys and girls used to split up and the boys would play mean pranks on the girls. I encouraged my boys not to be part of it but to protect the girls instead. It became a fun game as they had to stay one step ahead to intercept…
One of my goals has been to teach my boys to “take pleasure in the simple things” like the first leaves in Spring, a beautiful sunset, the smell of freshly roasted coffee because I believe that if they can find contentment in little things they will find contentment wherever they find themselves one day “out there”.
And of course I’ve taught them to cook up a storm – no potential husband should not be able to do this ;-)))
~Adèle (Officially HS’ing Boys since 1999)
Written and published in response to an enquiry on an Open Homeschooling Forum in 2010
Thursday, 25 April 2013
Why your teenager can’t use a hammer
Complaints about a generation of the mechanically challenged
"If he introduces a nut threaded counterclockwise, they have trouble conceptualizing the need to turn the screwdriver the opposite way. That’s because, he says, “They are texting non-stop; they don’t care about anything else. It’s like they’re possessed.”
At home, spare time is no longer spent doing things like dismantling gadgets, building model airplanes or taking apart old appliances with dad; there’s no tinkering with cars, which are so computerized now you couldn’t tinker if you wanted to. A 2009 poll showed one-third of teens spend zero time per week doing anything hands-on at all; the same as their parents. Instead, by one count, entertainment media eats up 53 hours a week for kids aged eight to 18."
To read the full article go to:
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Just asking
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Little people naturally imitate, they learn by example, it is the way they have been programmed to learn. They want to be big and they want to be useful, have value. And if being a man means to garden and remove rubble, then that is what they want to do. No external pressure, no curriculum and no tests required to learn these skills. In fact all that stuff just gets in the way. If their effort is acknowledged and encouraged, they beam because they feel needed, important, special, which further fuels the imitation, the work, the learning. The affirmation, and the shared work builds kinship, relationship.
I remember dosing- and even slaughtering sheep with my dad, not because I loved it, but because I enjoyed being with him. I was not expected to do it, I chose to do it.
John Holt picked up on some of this. Maria Montessori did too. Her schools had little irons and ironing boards (that really worked!). Children played "work" and the work wasn't trivial or an imitation of the real thing. Tools were simply scaled down for ease of use, they were not play-play or useless, because when tasks have no real purpose they are not worth doing, children know that.
Not only little ones are drawn to imitation. I remember telling my Grade 5 class last year that they could draw or do anything that was quiet and not distracting while I read aloud to them. They excitedly asked if they could have the large hard cover books that I had placed on our book shelf for enrichment. I was puzzled and explained that they couldn't be paging through or reading other books as they would not follow my reading. "No, no!" they exclaimed "We'll listen. Promise." I sceptically allowed them to each get a book. They gleefully returned to their desks and promptly turned their books sideways, flipping the hard covers open, cocking their heads to the side (clamping make-believe cell phones to their ears) and started "typing" the words I read on their "laptops". They were being imitators of the adults in their lives.
So I ask myself, what are we modelling? Are they things we want our children to imitate? Are we, are they so distracted by screens that life is passing us by? Are we teaching skills? Do we work in our homes, in our gardens, on our cars or are our domestic servants, our gardeners and our mechanics getting the Montessori education that was destined for our children?
And I ask, are these things that we're wanting our children to do, things worth doing? Really? Well, then we should be out there doing them too, not so?
Looking at it from the other angle: What are the things we're battling to get our children to do? Are we modelling them? Do they have the opportunity to just watch us doing these things and the freedom to join in (or not) if they choose without being rebuffed (or nagged)?
And I ask, how often do we expect our children to work alone while the rest of the team is distracted? Maybe that's the reason rooms aren't being tidied and reading isn't being done. I enjoy cooking, but I don't enjoy doing it alone therefore we not only have a table & chairs in the kitchen but a couch too! Fact is, no one likes working alone, there's something about community, togetherness that makes it worth doing, fun.
And I ask, what is our reaction when they scrape together the courage to join us in our task? Or when they loudly and enthusiastically start helping? Do we discourage them by being sullen, critical, by telling them that they are meddling, in the way, wasting our time? Or do we use it as a teaching opportunity to patiently show them how it should be done? Do we encourage, praise? And most importantly, do we just enjoy the togetherness, laughing and chatting about silly things that make it a memorable experience?
Just asking.
Monday, 22 April 2013
What Teens learn overcoming Challenges
"Initiative is developed in adolescence, through mastery experiences and through supportive relationships that teenagers form with adults. These experiences and relationships account for more than 75% of life success - more than IQ and genes combined."
Read the full article at:
Sunday, 21 April 2013
The Birth of a New Blog
And so my new Blog "A Love for Learning" is birthed. Still some glitches to sort out and lots of content to add, but at least it's a start. All photographs are courtesy of my talented Creative Child Number Two (see more about him under the link "Natural Learning" above). Wish me well, and if you'd like to follow us via e-mail, there's a link below.
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